Ludlow Elementary School

Attendance Procedure

The morning is an integral part of the elementary school day and the educational process. It gives the students a sense of routine and consistency which are an important part of their day and saves them from being behind and disrupting their class when they arrive late. Being on time teaches children good habits that they will use throughout their lives.

School starts promptly at 8:00. Students are expected to be in their classes and ready to work by that time. Students arriving after 8:10 a.m. are considered tardy. Each time a student is tardy three times it is considered an absence.

It is the policy of the schools in the Two Rivers Supervisory Union to require student school attendance in accordance with Vermont law in order to facilitate and enhance student learning. Lost learning time is difficult to make up; therefore, regular school attendance is essential to your child’s success. Our district also views school attendance as the parent or guardian’s responsibility.

As required by Title 16 Vermont Statutes Annotated (VSA) Section 1121 through 1127, the Two Rivers Supervisory Union has developed procedures for tardies and attendance (truancy). Below is a link to the Windsor County Truancy Response Protocol.

Also below is the check list form of the procedure. As you can see, if a student has 5 unexcused absences or tardies, a letter will be sent home and a copy will go to the Superintendent. After 7 unexcused absences or tardies another letter will be sent home and the Truant officer (Chief of Police, Jeff Billings) will receive a copy of the letter as well as the Superintendent. After 10 days, the Superintendent will be sending a letter and will call for a Coordinated Services Plan (“CSP”) meeting (Act 264). A copy of the letter will also be sent to the Truancy officer as well as the Windsor County State’s Attorney.

A parent/guardian note stating the reason for your child’s absence/tardy is required for the absence/tardy to be excused. Email will be accepted. If your child is out for more than 3 consecutive days, a doctor’s note is required.

Examples of excused tardy or absence are: doctor’s appointments, dentist appointments, therapy appointments, illness or injury. Sleeping through your alarm clock or vehicle issues are unexcused. The town does provide bus transportation for our students if you should have problems with your vehicle. If you are planning a vacation while school is in session, it will be an unexcused absence unless you get permission in writing from the Superintendent.

If you have any questions regarding this procedure, please feel free to contact me at 875-5151 or

truancy protocols.pdf
Truancy Check Sheet.pdf